Dance Events


Upcoming Mountain Mix Schedule

Questions? Contact Us! 


The list of Party Dances and other special dance events are provided below by year as they become available.

Party Dance! Feb. 22
Plus Class begins March 4!
41st Anniversary Dance! Mar. 28-29
See details below!

& the current EVENT FLYERS!


REGULAR WEEKLY DANCES. Tuesday/Thursday Evenings. Weekly dances on Tuesdays are at the SSD and Plus Levels (7pm*) and Thursday evenings (7pm) are at the Advanced and Challenge 1 Levels. Dancing at the Washington Street Community Center.
* NOTE! During the Plus Class from March 4 to approx. June 3, SSD/MS levels dance from 6:30-7:30pm and the Plus Class dances from 7:30-9pm. Contact Us! if interested in the Rainbeaus Plus Class!

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RAINBEAUS PARTY DANCE! Saturday, February 22, 2025! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: HUNTER KELLER! to Washington Street Community Center (809 S. Washington St., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-5:00pm (Plus & Advanced) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). Theme: A Scarlet Valentine. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

RAINBEAUS 41st ANNIVERSARY DANCE! Friday/Saturday, March 28-29, 2025! The Rainbeaus welcome GUEST CALLER: SANDIE BRYANT! to Washington Park United Methodist Church for three dance sessions. Theme: Yabba Dabba Dosado! Sessions include Friday evening 7:00pm (SSD, Plus and Advanced), Saturday afternoon 2:30pm (Adv. & C1) and Saturday evening 7:00pm (SSD, Plus & Advanced). Dinner and anniversary program between Saturday dance sessions. See also the Anniversary Dance Event Flyer and the IAGSDC Event page

RAINBEAUS PARTY DANCE! Saturday, May 17, 2025! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: KEN RITUCCI! to Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-5:00pm (Advanced & Challenge 1) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). Theme: TBD. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

SPECIAL CALLER WEEK! TBD, Tuesday/Thursday, August 2025! The Rainbeaus welcome GUEST CALLER: DEE DEE DAUGHERTY! to Washington Street Community Center (809 S. Washington St., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions at 7:00pm: Tuesday (SSD & Plus) and Thursday (Advanced only). See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

HOMECOMING / ICE CREAM SOCIAL! TBD, August 2025. FREE! This fun  - and yummy! - evening offers a relaxed evening for former and current members to re-connect and enjoy an evening of fellowship and casual (easy!) dancing. This free Homecoming event is held at the Washington Street Community Center (809 S. Washington St., Denver) at 7pm. Questions? Please Contact Us! 

ROCKY MT. RAINBEAUS - MOUNTAIN MIX FLY-IN! September, 5-7 2025. Registration!

COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE! TBD, September 2025?? FREE! The Rainbeaus welcome dancers old and new to the Rainbeaus Open House! Former Rainbeaus dancers are welcome to drop by to see old friends. New dancers are encouraged to attend the Open House; no experience required! The fun and free evening offers a relaxed introduction to square dancing for all. See this Denver Post article, "...It's Hip to be Square Dancing."  Questions? Please see our New Dancer page and/or Contact Us! The free Open House dance is held at the Washington Street Community Center (809 S. Washington St., Denver).

RAINBEAUS PARTY DANCE! Saturday, November 15, 2025! The Rainbeaus welcome GUEST CALLER: TED LIZOTTE to Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Theme: TBD. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-5pm (Advanced & Challenge 1) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

RAINBEAUS HOLIDAY DANCE! Tuesday, December 16, 2025! The Rainbeaus celebrate the holiday season with CLUB CALLERS: BEAR MILLER & MIKE ASHWOOD! Location: TBD. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

Questions? Contact Us!


ANNUAL RMR MEMBERSHIP MEETING & PARTY DANCE. Saturday, January 17, 2026. The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: BEAR MILLER & MIKE ASHWOOD to Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-4:45pm (Advanced & Challenge 1) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). Theme: TBD. TENATIVE TIMES: Member Potluck- 4:45-5:30pm; Annual Membership Meeting- 5:30-7:00pm. Membership dues for 2025 are $40. Additional details provided as the meeting date approaches.

RAINBEAUS PARTY DANCE! Saturday, March 21, 2026! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: TBA to Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-5:00pm (Advanced & Challenge 1) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). Theme: TBD. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

RAINBEAUS ANNIVERSARY DANCE! Friday/Saturday, April 17-18, 2026! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: TBA to LOCATION TBD for three dance sessions. Theme: TBA. Sessions include Friday evening 7:00pm (SSD, Plus and Advanced), Saturday afternoon 2:30pm (Adv. & C1) and Saturday evening 7:00pm (SSD, Plus and Advanced). Dinner and anniversary program between Saturday dance sessions. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

RAINBEAUS PARTY DANCE! Saturday, May 16, 2026! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: TBA to Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-5:00pm (Advanced & Chalenge 1) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). Theme: TBD. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

SPECIAL CALLER WEEK! TBD, Tuesday/Thursday, August 2026! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: TBA to Washington Street Community Center (809 S. Washington St., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions at 7:00pm: Tuesday (SSD & Plus) and Thursday (Advanced only). See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

RAINBEAUS PARTY DANCE! Saturday, October 17, 2026! The Rainbeaus welcome CALLER: TBA to Christ Church United Methodist (690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO) for two dance sessions. Sessions include Saturday afternoon at 2:30-5:00pm (Advanced) and Saturday evening at 7:00-9:30pm (SSD & Plus). Theme: TBD. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

RAINBEAUS HOLIDAY DANCE! Tuesday, December 15, 2026! The Rainbeaus celebrate the holiday season with CLUB CALLERS: BEAR MILLER & MIKE ASHWOOD! Location: TBD. See also the Rainbeaus Calendar.

Questions? Contact Us!