About Us
The Rocky Mountain Rainbeaus are an all inclusive, all levels, high energy, square dance club. We welcome all our LGBTQ* friends to dance with us anytime. You may remember square dancing in Jr. or Sr. high, but honey, this ain't no slow chicken-steppin'. Get ready for some high energy, fast moving, and totally fun dancing. (*LGBTQ* refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Nonbinary, Straight and their friends!)
Square dancing with the Rainbeaus is not only a great way to exercise, it's also a great way to get out and meet new friends. Gay square dancing does not have a dress code, and you don't have to have a partner to dance. In fact, we encourage you to dance with other folks so you can meet new friends, and learn to dance even better. Introductory classes typically start each January and September, so come on down and learn to square dance. You won't regret it! You'll never know for sure what you're missing until you give it a try!
We are located in Denver, Colorado at the foot of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Everyone has an opportunity to dance at their respective dance level each week. Nearly every month, we have a big party dance for the whole club, typically over two dance sessions on a Saturday. Weekly dances occur at the Washington Street Community Center and monthly party dances occur at Christ Church United Methodist. For more information about when we dance, visit Where We Dance and our Calendar for updated dance event information.
For more about the club in general, Contact Us! and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have about us. And, we won't share your email address with anyone outside the club.