Anniversary Dance

Rainbeaus Anniversary Dance Weekend

The Rainbeaus Anniversary Dance Weekend is the annual celebration of the founding of the Rocky Mountain Rainbeaus Square Dance Club, formed in February 1984 (see the Rainbeaus History). The anniversary celebration is organized by those honored with the title, Golden Rainbeau. To participate in the anniversary weekend celebration, link to IAGSDC events to register and see the Rainbeaus Calendar for information.

2024 - 40th Annual Anniversary Dance

Congratulations to Golden Rainbeaus Honorees
Marilyn Berg
Jeanette Going (awarded posthumously)

RAINBEAUS 41st ANNIVERSARY DANCE! Friday/Saturday, March, 2025! The Rainbeaus welcome GUEST CALLER: SANDIE BRYANT! to Wash Park United Methodist Church (1955 E. Arizona Ave., Denver, CO 80210). Theme: TBD! Sessions include Friday evening 7:00pm (SSD, Plus and Advanced), Saturday afternoon 2:30pm (Adv. & C1) and Saturday evening 7:00pm (Various dance levels). Dinner and anniversary program between Saturday dance sessions. Details forthcoming.